
Fry Rice,

Day by day the earth degenerate so is the dust in us; we become plaque among each other like vultures, ready to take a pick at the weakest person they could find that once was Friend but are now stranger’s.

We show no compassion to life neither do we accept our self as humans; or thoughts are corrupt than few” but we are all alike in doing the things that we wouldn’t want your kids do (STEAL); do you steal, & why you did it” not because you poor, not because you hungry, not because you cool, no; the compassion for it to say you are clever.

A honest man never get his reward & love in the time when he needed it most, he only get credit of been the honest fella that wasn’t greedy enough.

I thought love was special & if love is special how can you forget it was that same love built you up to where you are today, but you imagine it was hate, are you hating inside” why you decide that I too hate” can I too be love.

 A greedy boss will rob a million families & the government smile, but can you rob one boss a dollar & not be arrested.

Never suspect hate was created by colour it was create by image; the cleaner your garments looks the more honor your entitle.

 Ragged person are treated harshly yet still he will respect both clean & dirty because life is precious to some who caring,least to those who are image.

Fry Rice Homemade Style

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